Setting and achieving objectives is the primary way a manager accomplishes and maintains success. They must also be able to convey them to their staff or employees in a compelling manner. For instance, a restaurant manager could state they want to improve service times and remind employees that faster service increases revenue and tips.

Role objectives
Every role has an objective, which is usually part of the role’s job description. For example, a sever’s role and role objective are to serve customers in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Role objectives state what you need to do and why it’s important. Performance standards, such as speed and accuracy, help evaluate role objectives.
Target objectives
Target objectives are measurable results from an employee. This could measure output, income, service, cost reduction or other targets. For example, you could measure a target objective for a jeweler by measuring their sales amount per day.
Task objectives
Task objectives are objectives completed by finishing tasks or major projects before a specified date. For example, a project’s deadline can be an entire department’s task objective.
Behavioral goals
Managers often set behavioral goals for an entire department, but you can also set them for an individual. Some behavioral expectations involve the use of language, dress, actions and speech representative of the company and team.
Performance goals
Performance goals are objectives of improved performance and help define what can help achieve better results. Sometimes, performance goals result in performance improvement plans that specify what actions both employees and management need to take.